Grow your own big, sweet, cultivated blackberries on thornless plants for ease of picking. Ideal for a patio plant due to it's compact size and can be pruned to ground level each year, fruiting on the new wood. This variety 'Coolaris Early' is said to 'produce superb crops in summer'. It will have a height and spread of around 120cm. We sell them as small plants, about the size of a tippex bottle, called 'plugs' for 'planting on' in a pot, or, if weather conditions permit, for planting directly in your allotment or garden. Just dig a hole about five centimetres deep, place one blackberry plug in the hole, cover the roots with soil and then firm down and water. To plant simply dig a hole 10cm deep, place the plant in the hole and firm around with soil then water well and keep watering regularly. You get can buy one, two, three or five plants with this order.